Spiritual Counseling

Gaining connectedness leads to spiritual transformation.

Broadly defined, spirituality is a sense of connection to something higher than ourselves. Many people search for an understanding of the sacred and meaning in their lives.

The sense of transcendence experienced in spirituality is a universal experience leading to almost any meaningful activity, personal growth, or blissful experience.

Spirituality is one’s active connection with whatever Supreme Being (by that person’s definition) they embrace. In contrast, religion is the practice of life as required by a group or institution (according to the perceived requirements of a Supreme Being).

Spiritual counseling provides a way to make that a connection – uniting body and spirit.

Extrasensory perception – Is it a curse or gift?

Are you a person who sees things before they happen or feels things that others don’t? Do you pick up the feelings of the people around you (preferably the negative ones)? Sometimes you see the light around people or animals or objects. Do you talk to people who have passed away?

Being psychic does not mean you are crazy. The mystic swims in the same sea as the person with psychosis drowns.

Often, you know things without knowing how and see things that others cannot see. (Things like – “Your cat will come back.”) Hearing voices or music that others do not hear makes you feel weird. Sometimes, you immediately know what happened as you enter a room or house.

You have noticed that some places make you feel scared, and others feel wonderful and at home. Whenever you talk about this to other people, they think you are crazy. Sometimes you think the same thing as well.

Having these sensory perceptions makes you wonder if you are crazy, and out of fear, you would rather not talk to anybody about these feelings. Some of the things you see, hear, or feel reassure you, and some are terrifying.

Consider being perceptive or psychic as a gift.

Having extrasensory perceptions or psychic abilities is a normal part of human existence. However, we have lost the ability to work with these gifts, and people call us crazy when we talk about them. So, we hide this amazing superpower we have.

Some psychic abilities include the following: clairvoyance (ability to see clearly), clairaudience (hearing clearly), clairsentience (feeling more clearly than others), and claircognizance (ability to know things that others do not).

Although psychic experiences can be symptomatic of psychosis, these abilities to see, hear, feel, and know beyond what most people can reflect a unique sensitivity to life.

Counseling can help you learn how to regulate, control, and healthily use these superpowers. You can learn how to set boundaries and learn to use your gift.

Regain your superpower – physically and spiritually.

Before I was a therapist, I was a psychic meditation teacher, spiritual counselor, and pastor in a spiritual church. I am very familiar with searching for a personal truth, teaching the intricacy of spiritual anatomy, and guiding others toward the deeper connection between what happens in your life and the Source, the Universe, and the Supreme Being by many names.

Having these sensory perceptions makes you wonder if you are crazy, and out of fear, you would rather not talk to anybody about these feelings. Some of the things you see, hear, or feel reassure you, and some are terrifying.

I learned how Kryptonite can affect a soul and how it can be healed. In doing so, I found a deeper meaning in life by connecting the spiritual with the mundane, and in doing so, making everyday life a sacred experience. Spirituality and psychology have so many overlaps and connections. I blend the two when called upon while working with a client in my practice.

When a person with spiritual issues needs a down-to-earth psychological strategy to change a way of thinking, we can work on that. And when a person can benefit from addressing a psychological issue from an energetic or spiritual approach, I will offer that.

Counseling can be both. Our body, mind, or soul can sometimes have Kryptonite embedded in them. Let us uncover and remove what has you frozen in place, so your whole being can relish in the discovery and use of your superpower.